Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Breaking News! (And our last day of posting!)
In other related news, Republicans in the Senate voted to block debate of the financial regulation reform bill for two consecutive days on Monday and Tuesday.
All hope might not be lost, however, for proponents of reform. GOP Senators have begun to realize that the American people really do despise Wall Street, and have agreed to end their filibuster.
Great news, just hitting the presses. Sadly, this blog will cease today. We here at Bank Reg 101 hope you've enjoyed our reporting. But in the future, we urge you to Regulate, then Make Bank.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Goldman, Toyota, and Funeral Homes
(Cartoon via
Just a quick elaboration on my last post, with a twist coming from the video that Kelly just put up.
Andrew Ross Sorkin went on Colbert the other night and gave a much more vivid explanation of the deceptive wheeling-and-dealing that Goldman (and as we're learning, many other banks, as well) practiced. Where my explanation of the deals captures in only the most limited way the nastiness of GS's ways, Sorkin gives a much better explanation:
They were building cars [for which] they thought, or hoped, the brakes wouldn't work, and then [were] buying funeral homes that they thought would pay off later.
Oh, how simple, and effective, and affective. Wait, am I talking about Sorkin's explanation, or Goldman's ruse?
SEC Accuses Goldman of Fraud cont..
Here is an article from the LA Times on April 17 on the subject..,0,7190484.story (copy and paste because for some reason it's not letting me make it a direct link)
and here is also last night's Colbert Report on the subject..
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Goldman Sachs Fraud Case - Andrew Ross Sorkin | |||| | ||||
Friday, April 16, 2010
When Investments Sound like Cruise Missiles: United States v. Goldman Sachs
Today, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil suit against Goldman Sachs for fraud.
Bipartisan support for financial reform looked likely up until now. Though two camps had emerged prior to the introduction of a bill, they had been, for the most part, based on the issue rather than the party. However, with legislation looming Democrats and Republicans have split at the seam (hard to say we didn’t see this coming). With President Obama leading the way, Senate Democrats are pushing their bill with no rewrite necessary. Expecting that a few key Republican senators, particularly those up for reelection, will support the bill, Democrats are much less inclined to change this bill than the healthcare reform passed last month. While the GOP rallies around senator McConnell, both parties agree that overheated rhetoric will only hurt policy.
Effectively the bill would give the FED the right to monitor the nation’s largest banks, those with assets over $50 billion. Then, if any institution were deemed instable the law would provide the Treasury Secretary with the authority to take over and effectively shut the company down. The overall goal, voiced by both Obama and Geithner, is to avoid any more taxpayer bailouts of financial institutions.
As legislation approaches, White house press secretary Gibbs adds that Obama “could not accept bad policy in pursuit of bipartisanship.” It is about time that the President has favored policy over politics. Though it would be great if everyone in Congress could work together, it is clear that in this particular case political clout is trying to overshadow lawmaking. Something needs to be done to prevent future collapses and if partisanship gets in the way of this bill then it could be years before another solution appears.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Krugman's Banking Regulation Study Guide
Paul Krugman, Nobel-winning economist and columnist for the New York Times, used his column a couple of weeks ago to spell out in simpler terms--terms average people like us can understand--who is for what kind of banking reform, and what each kind of reform package looks like. Keep in mind, Krugman is a dyed-in-the-wool progressive and Keynesian (he advocated a much larger stimulus package than the one delivered in Spring 2009) and his tone and content reflect that.
Breaking up big banks wouldn’t really solve our problems, because it’s perfectly possible to have a financial crisis that mainly takes the form of a run on smaller institutions. In fact, that’s precisely what happened in the 1930s, when most of the banks that collapsed were relatively small — small enough that the Federal Reserve believed that it was O.K. to let them fail.Krugman forms the other side of the pro-reform crowd. His plan is "to update and expand old-fashioned bank regulation."
What ended the era of U.S. stability was the rise of “shadow banking”: institutions that carried out banking functions but operated without a safety net and with minimal regulation. In particular, many businesses began parking their cash, not in bank deposits, but in “repo” — overnight loans to the likes of Lehman Brothers.These "shadow banks are the keys to Krugman's reform ideas. Regulators should be able to seize failing shadow banks, he says, and put strict limits on their activities and their influence in the banking system.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Meet Elizabeth Warren
One of the lesser-known, but equally important, figures in the debate over banking regulation has been Elizabeth Warren, a professor of law at Harvard and the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, which was created to supervise the TARP bank bailout money.
- First, should we consider financial operators to be performing a service (like that of doctors or lawyers), or should we call them what they really are (or what they've shown themselves to be over the last two years), which are glorified gamblers who have loaded the die?
- Second, can we consider the clause, "by becoming involved in financial operations, you submit yourself to vast potential risk," to be an adequate cop-out from public oversight?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fluctuations in Banking Regulations
Throughout the economic history of the United States, government regulation has declined during times of prosperity and increased in times of national crisis. During periods of economic prosperity, banking regulation receives little to no attention as the focus is placed instead upon securing individual prosperity. In an article concerning trends in banking regulation, David Leonhart discusses the repercussions of fluctuating bank regulations. He writes the following:
By definition, the next period of financial excess will appear to have recent history on its side. Asset prices will have been rising, and whatever new financial instrument that comes along will look as if it is safe. "When things are going well," Paul A. Volcker, the former Fed chairman, says, "it's very hard to conduct a disciplined regulation, because everyone's against you." Sure enough, both Bernanke and Geithner, along with dozens of other regulators, overlooked many signs of excess over the past decade.
The article strives to convey the importance of keeping banking regulation a priority in both times of prosperity and crisis. It is necessary that a perpetual state of regulation be enacted to protect individuals from fiscal losses incurred by corporate misjudgment. Additionally, the U.S. government will be saved the costs of repairing financial meltdowns if a standard yet flexible bank regulation be put in place.
The argument for increased banking regulation is supported by the comments of Arnold King regarding Leonhart’s article. King writes about the essentiality of time consistency in banking regulations. Simply because times are good, King points out, does not justify lax regulations. Rather, the solution lies in “making credible commitments not to bail out failed banks” and “that you need to make credible commitments to keep rules in place when times are good”. In employing these precautions and standards, a commitment to today’s regulatory regime will remain intact.
For further reference and to view the article, please visit the Library of Economics and Liberty website at:
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A field trip to the (outside of the) New York Fed
Of course, though, I didn't go inside. More specifically, I wasn't allowed inside. If I'd wanted to, I would have had to make plans six weeks in advance, via direct communication with Ben Bernanke, his permission written in stone with blood (OK, the blood part is exaggerated). Nonetheless, even if I'd had a tablet with Ben's hancock on it, the guard's general air of nonplussedness makes me wonder if I'd have been allowed in.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Chris Dodd continue...
Adding on to the previous post about Senator Dodd, the Daily Show on March 16 talks about Dodd's proposal. This talks about how Dodd had been working together with Republican senator, Bob Corker, but then suddenly decided to quit the talks with Corker and will discuss his own bill this coming Monday about the financial regulations. It talks about the same regulations (in less detail) discussed in the blog post previous to this, but this clip is worth watching.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Senator Dodd's Regulation Proposal
- the creation of the bureau within the national Treasury Department
- an independent director whom the president appoints
- a budget derived from fees obtained from large banks and other lenders
- obligatory discourse between existing bank and credit union regulators to ensure new rules are agreeable to all parties involved
The proposal is contested by big bank lobbyists and consumer advocates regardless of political alliance. Those in favor of big banks argue that the proposal will allow for an unnecessary increase in government control of financial industries and will impose upon existing regulators whom already ensure consumer safety. On the other hand, consumer advocates oppose the plan because it will only allow for regulation of banks and credit unions which maintain gross assets rather than all financial institutions. Additionally, requiring discussion with existing regulators, those deemed responsible by some for the financial crisis, limits the independence of the bureau to create new rules beneficial to the public.
Proposals introducing new policies which affect financial regulation will continue to elicit controversy. Government officials must consider the interests of lobbyists but ought not place them above the needs and protection of the consumers. It is time for the government to settle upon a financial regulation reform plan which benefits the American public not private interests.
For further information please see the attached New York Times article:
Regulation Difficulties
One example dealing with the international tension among the bankers, is discussed in an article from the Wall Street Journal, "Banker Bashing Masks Rise of China." Here several countries met at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, discussing mainly China's role in the global economy today. First of all, the United States dollar is the international dollar. This means that countries involved with international investments in the World Bank needs to trade or invest in the United States in order to receive our currency, which has been the way of the global economy ever since the world ended the era where countries used blocks of gold as their money investing. But now, due to our banking downfall, countries are unhappy with us still having that authority, thus having great tensions at the convention. But as of now, we the US would be affected by this negatively by keeping it this way as well. This article discusses a reporting from James Harding, editor of The Times, which explained more how this would affect our economy.
Among the most striking things he heard at Davos was the belief expressed by a senior Chinese official that the dollar carry-trade was the single biggest threat facing the global economy. The official was concerned that if the U.S. economy weakened, the unraveling of the trade—in which investors borrow at low interest rates in dollars and invest in higher yielding assets elsewhere in the world—would bring huge disruption to the capital markets. He estimated that as much as $1.5 trillion was already invested in such strategies.
But since the bankers know reforms are vital right now, and are deeply concerned with what reforms are going to be implemented and how they are going to be implemented, they are unaware of their fellow US citizens' opinions and thoughts. An editor-in-chief for the Wall Street Journal, Patience Wheatcroft, quoted Christine Lagarde, the French finance minister, of the public's anger. "'Bankers still don't seem to get just how angry people are.' The backlash from companies that are resentful about the level of fees they have been asked to pay banks has also now come to the fore."
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It's Those Fat Cats at the Top!
According to reports from Democracy Now the financial crisis is far from over with many banks around the nation at risk of shutting their doors. In the headline, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chair, Sheila Bair, has said that banks have decreased lending by $587 billion in 2009. She went on to specifically point a finger at major banks saying they need "to do a better job of stepping up to the plate." She also noted that over 700 banks were cited as in danger of failing at the end of 2009.
In a related article published just four days before the aforementioned headline, Damian Paletta of the Wall Street Journal also commented on the situation citing the fact that four banks were shut down from Florida to California just this past Friday! This is an ongoing crisis folks! The following excerpt from Mr. Paletta's article details the largest of these closures, nearby in San Diego California:
"The largest bank to fail Friday was the 10-branch La Jolla Bank in California. Its $3.6 billion of assets made it the biggest bank to fail in 2010. The FDIC sold all of La Jolla's deposits and virtually all of its assets to OneWest FSB, a thrift created last year after investors bought up pieces of the failed IndyMac Bank. The FDIC and OneWest agreed to share future losses on $3.3 billion of the La Jolla Bank's deposits."
What is evident here is the burden on taxpayers through the FDIC. What is perhaps between the lines and not so apparent is the harsh economic realities of what happens when recession hits: Negative speculation grips the market with fear, lending rates go down which stagnates investment and new business and job creation. Home-ownership loans and other forms of personal reasons to borrow money are decreased as fewer people are eligible due to their credit scores, past debts, bankruptcies, unemployment, etc...
Why I think these stats are important lay in other facts. Also on Democracy Now this morning (see link above) and many other times on the show, the fact that while Wall Street bonuses are at an all time high growth rate, and companies like Goldman Sachs are making record profits, Main Street is suffering. The closure of smaller banks indicates the failure of the Obama/Geithner/Bernanke bailout plan to have some sort of "trickle down effect" from the 'bloated' big banks who received the bulk of compensation. I am personally disgusted. Tips on my next post (check the tags at the bottom to see author) on how to support good banks and local credit unions as opposed to those large malpractictioners like B of A, Wells, Chase, get the picture.
picture from:'s+Fat+Cat+cartoon1.JPG
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Overseeing Banks: Who Does It?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Colbert Report--Eliot Spitzer
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Summers on CNBC: Oh how memory fades...
Colbert Report--Eliot Spitzer
Here Eliot Spitzer, a former Democratic politician and New York Governor, is interviewing with Stephen Colbert about the current financial system. Spitzer is criticizing the fact that the United States is rebuilding the entire system exactly the same way as it was before the burst. He believes that everyone should be angry that hundreds of thousands of dollars of our tax money are being put to rebuilding the system, rather than investing this tax money in the economy, which needs it more. He declares that we should constrain the banks, for if they receive bailout money and guaranteed federal credit, then they need to lend the money as opposed to the trading and casino economy. (just in case the video doesn't play..I've tried like multiple times to upload it but it's been acting up every time)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Manipulation in Merrill Lynch Bailout
In order to prevent further misuse of government funding the federal government needs to better allocate and oversee the distribution of bailout money. This would entail conducting more in depth inquiries regarding payments of bonuses to bank executives, monitoring how the bailout money is spent by banks, and restricting the use of funds. Fiscal transactions should be made more transparent as well. The public is now aware of the current scandal due largely to the media coverage of the filed lawsuit. Citizens, however, deserve protection against such manipulation of monetary funding which can be achieved through pre-emptive government regulation.
Please see the attached BBC article for further information regarding the Bank of America and Merrill Lynch lawsuit:
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Lackadaisical Banking Regulations Sink U.S. 1929....and again in 2009!
Obama inherited a banking crisis that had spiraled way out of control. On the eve of the largest impending collapse of our banking system, Obama was sworn into office and almost immediately began to piece together a solution to a farreaching financial problem that had its roots in the banking industry. Leading him to the controversial insistence, along with Geithner and Bernanke, that a gigantic bailout for the nation's banks was in order. This has happened before in American history (well, not the huge monetary bailouts). In 1933, Roosevelt’s highest priority, during what turned out to be an extremely busy first 100 days of his presidency, was the farreaching financial crisis that had its roots also in the banking sector of the United States. Roosevelt was inaugurated directly in the midst of impending crisis when all over the nation, even in Roosevelt’s home state of New York, banks were experiencing an extended holiday while a major financial hiccup was being analyzed and dealt with. Stemming from a network of unit banks acting as affiliates, a microcosmic example of a large-scale problem triggered a nationwide panic. Henry Ford’s personal network of banks (figuratively speaking) were found to be doctoring and concocting different fraudulent mechanisms to boost the reputation and deposit reserves of some 32 financial institutions, all associated with Guardian Detroit Union Group, Inc (the financial arm of the Ford dynasty). The reasons for these misrepresentations lay in the ill-advised loans, bonuses, and benefits that 52 of 61 financial directors and 33 of 43 banking officers all received. The inherent problem here is the mismanagement of business practices for the benefit of powerful individuals and entities like Henry Ford, Ford Motor Corporation, and the allies within the financial sector that supported him. This one example of a greater problem was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Once broken, the question became: How to regulate and progress the banking industry from its depths?
The answer came in the form of FDR cajoling together financial and economic heavyweights from congress, in this case Senators Glass and Steagall along with other financial advisors. The result of this brainstorming was the Glass-Steagall Act. The touchstone issues in the subsequent Glass-Steagall Bill of 1933 were two-fold. The first provision was the inclusion of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); which was basically a glorified savings account taken from public tax dollars and small increments from Federal Reserve member banks that would insure depositors most, if not all of their monetary funds in the commercial banking sector. The second provision effectively separated commercial banking, which is the traditional model where citizens hold their money in banks with interest accumulating in exchange for the bank's ability to use those funds to generate loans, from investment banking, which is the usage of bank reserves to put forth in other investments and loans that are much riskier and often repackaged and retooled as bonds, mutual funds, stocks, mortgages, etc...The inclusion of the creation of the FDIC was controversial but necessary for its context. It ensured to the masses that their deposits would never disappear; it stopped the phenomenon known as "bank runs". It was controversial because it was the first version of a law that protected bad business practices in the banking industry. If a bank failed, it was not responsible for refunding its customers; the FDIC fund would ensure a return on the deposits. While this alone is troubling, the provision of stopping private corporations from doing both commercial and investment banking was supposed to give banks less incentive to make bad decisions with the reserves they have accumulated through deposits. This part of the Glass-Steagall Act was mutually agreed upon by many experts as well as Roosevelt himself.
I have spent so much time discussing what is known as the first great economic downturn in the modern era that now I feel the need to make this information somehow linked to our current predicament in regards to the all-important American banking industry. In 1999 the section of the Glass-Steagall Act that seperated the two forms of banking was repealed. now starts to make sense how this so called "unexpected" financial collapse commenced itself via the repeal of Great Depession Era legislation. The passage of the Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act, as it is known, is detailed here.
If you can put two and two together, which is sometimes tough when discussing such a boring subject as banking regulation, this bill allowed companies like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac to be able to dabble in multiple markets simultaneously such as the commercial banking sector, the mortgage industry, the stock and bond markets; which basically, when pooled together can be called the speculative wealth marketplace. In this sphere, companies such as, I don't know, say, Goldman Sachs, can buy and sell the rights to the mortgages of millions of Americans, just as an example (which did happen: Goldman Sachs overvalued a large amount of mortgage securities on purpose so they could sell them to other investment firms just before the mortgage industry bottomed out). The scenario I described earlier in regards to Ford Motor Company and its financial subsidiaries' money mongering is child's play compared to the vast complexities of financial instruments that have been invented by companies like Goldman Sachs in the last decade. To hear more about the repeal of parts of Glass-Steagall, John Stewart has a great interview with Elizabeth Warren about its effect on the world financial crisis we are currently weathering. Like Ford's executives in the 1920's, many specters of the current financial crisis just love to award themselves fat bonuses for a job poorly done. Thanks FDIC! Thanks Government Bailout!
Interestingly enough, good ole' boy moderate, John McCain, in 2009 called for the return of banking regulations such as those included in the aforementioned Great Depression legislation. There is a great article in Newsweek describing McCain and others' (including former Fed Chairmen Volker) call to restructure our banking system.
That is all for now, come back for more! We will be detailing in the coming editions, the players complicit in the financial crisis, those who are trying to do something about the power of big banks, and of course what measures are being talked about or perhaps are already on the floor being debated.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Men in Fancy Suits: Let's Play Icebreakers
The first step we'll take to understanding potential banking regulation this semester will be to get to know the people involved--the major players who we'll see on TV or hear on the radio, whose names are mentioned along with various plans, organizations, or other important individuals. We'll begin with four people whose names have been in the air since the Obama administration came to office in January of 2009. Even though some hail from academia and others from top banks, in reality, they are all just men in fancy suits.